30 Min 20 Participants
Compliment Circle

1. Gather the Children: Have the primary school children sit in a circle.

2. Explain the Activity: Tell the children that they will take turns giving and receiving compliments. Emphasize that the compliments should be genuine and specific.

3. Start with a Compliment: Begin the activity by giving a compliment to the child on your left. For example, you could say something like, "I admire how kind you are to your friends."

4. Pass It On: The child who received the compliment will then give a compliment to the child on their left, and so on. Encourage them to be thoughtful and specific in their compliments.

5. Rotate: Continue the activity until every child has had a chance to both give and receive compliments.

6. Reflect: After the activity, gather the children in a circle again and ask them how it felt to receive compliments. Discuss the importance of valuing themselves and how giving and receiving compliments can boost their self-esteem and self-respect.

7. Discussion: Engage the children in a discussion about self-respect. Ask them what they learned from the activity and how they can continue to show self-respect in their daily lives.


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